Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mission 3: Paper Plate Rainbows

As soon as I saw these paper plate rainbows posted on Pinterest, I knew I had to make them! Duncan has been kind of rainbow obsessed the last few months so I knew that he would love making them and, as a bonus, they were easy enough for Wren to make too.

I didn't have any streamers like the ones used in the original idea, so we went to the good ol' Hob Lob and bought some ribbon (50% off!).

To attach the cotton balls to the plate we just used some Elmer's and smeared it around. The only difficult part was figuring out how to attach the ribbon to the plate to make the rainbow. After trying glue and failing miserably, we broke out the masking tape and it worked wonderfully.

Wren did a pretty good job being entertained with the whole glue plus cotton part of the project, but after that her attention waned and she ended up playing in the dog's water bowl -- her favorite outdoor activity.

Dunc, on the other hand, LOVED it! I used this craft as an opportunity to tell him about Noah and God's promise to never destroy the earth with water again. Good teaching moment, right?!?! I was kinda proud of myself. Which probably negates whatever good I did by teaching D about Noah.

Oh well, God still loves me.

And look how proud Duncan is of his rainbow!

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